- Starting from ALTIBASE HDB version 5.5.1, V$VOL_TABLESpACES, which stores information on volatile memory tablespaces, has been added.
- Using this Performance View, all memory tablespace usage including volatile memory tablespace usage can be inquired with the following query.
-- --TBS_ID : Tablespace ID --TBS_TYPE : Memory tablespace type -- 0 - System memory tablespace. A tablespace for storing metadata necessary for the operation of the database system -- 1 - System memory tablespace. A tablespace that can store data created by default when creating a database -- 2 - User memory tablespace. User-created memory tablespace -- 8 - Volatile tablespaces created by users --TBS_NAME : Memory tablespace name --MAX(M) : Max amount of memory that can be used by memory tablespace -- If MAXSIZE is not specified when creating a tablespace, MEM_MAX_DB_SIZE is displayed. -- If the tablespace attribute is AUTOEXTEND OFF, TOTAL is output. --TOTAL(M) : Total number of pages allocated from the memory tablespace. It is the same as the size of the checkpoint image file creation. -- It also includes a free page. Free pages are not loaded into memory when the Altibase server is started. So, it is difficult to use and judge physical memory as much as this value. -- This value is decreased only by executing DROP TABLESPACE. --ALLOC(M) : Amount of memory being used by the memory tablespace --USED(M) : The size of the memory storing data among ALLOCs --USAGE(%) : ALLOC utilization rate compared to MAX --STATE : State of the tablespace -- 1 - Offline, 2 - Online, 3 - Offline tablespace being backed up, 4 - Tablespace in an online state that are up-to-date, -- 128 - Dropped tablespace, 1024-discarded tablespace, 1028-discarded tablespace being backed up set linesize 1024 set colsize 20 SELECT ID TBS_ID , DECODE(TYPE, 0, 'MEMORY_DICTIONARY', 1, 'MEMORY_SYS_DATA', 2, 'MEMORY_USER_DATA', 8, 'VOLATILE_USER_DATA') TBS_TYPE , NAME TBS_NAME , ROUND( DECODE(M.MAXSIZE, 140737488322560, D.MEM_MAX_DB_SIZE , 0 , T.TOTAL_PAGE_COUNT * T.PAGE_SIZE, M.MAXSIZE) /1024/1024, 2 ) 'MAX(M)' , ROUND( M.ALLOC_PAGE_COUNT * T.PAGE_SIZE / 1024 / 1024, 2) 'TOTAL(M)' , ROUND(NVL(M.ALLOC_PAGE_COUNT-M.FREE_PAGE_COUNT,T.TOTAL_PAGE_COUNT)*PAGE_SIZE/1024/1024, 2) 'ALLOC(M)' , NVL(MT.USED, 0) 'USED(M)' , ROUND(DECODE(MAXSIZE, 140737488322560, (M.ALLOC_PAGE_COUNT-M.FREE_PAGE_COUNT)*T.PAGE_SIZE/ D.MEM_MAX_DB_SIZE ,0, (M.ALLOC_PAGE_COUNT-M.FREE_PAGE_COUNT) / T.TOTAL_PAGE_COUNT , (M.ALLOC_PAGE_COUNT-M.FREE_PAGE_COUNT) * T.PAGE_SIZE/ M.MAXSIZE) * 100 , 2) 'USAGE(%)' , DECODE(T.STATE,1,'OFFLINE',2,'ONLINE',5,'OFFLINE BACKUP',6,'ONLINE BACKUP',128,'DROPPED', 'DISCARDED') STATE , DECODE(M.AUTOEXTEND_MODE,1,'ON','OFF') 'AUTOEXTEND' FROM V$DATABASE D , V$TABLESPACES T , (SELECT SPACE_ID , SPACE_NAME , ALLOC_PAGE_COUNT , FREE_PAGE_COUNT , DECODE(MAX_SIZE, 0, (SELECT VALUE1 FROM V$PROPERTY WHERE NAME = 'VOLATILE_MAX_DB_SIZE'), MAX_SIZE) AS MAXSIZE , AUTOEXTEND_MODE FROM V$VOL_TABLESPACES UNION ALL SELECT SPACE_ID , SPACE_NAME , ALLOC_PAGE_COUNT , FREE_PAGE_COUNT , MAXSIZE , AUTOEXTEND_MODE FROM V$MEM_TABLESPACES ) M LEFT OUTER JOIN(SELECT TABLESPACE_ID, ROUND(SUM((FIXED_USED_MEM + VAR_USED_MEM))/(1024*1024),3) USED FROM V$MEMTBL_INFO GROUP BY TABLESPACE_ID ) MT ON M.SPACE_ID = MT.TABLESPACE_ID WHERE T.ID = M.SPACE_ID;
Example of output