6.1.1 or below.
The error code and message have been changed for 6.3.1
The following error occurs when a user function is used inside the SELECT statement:
The error code and message have been changed for 6.3.1 as follows:
The following error descriptions can be viewed with the AltiErr utility:
# 6.1.1 or below
$ altierr 0x1105D
0x1105D ( 69725) smERR_ABORT_smiCantBeginUpdateStatement Unable to begin a new update statement.
# *Cause: Either the statement is read-only, or more than one update child statement has been requested.
# *Action: Please make sure that the request to begin a new update statement is valid.
# 6.3.1
$ altierr 0x31386
0x31386 ( 201606) qpERR_ABORT_QSX_PSM_INSIDE_QUERY Cannot perform a DML, commit, or rollback inside a query.
# *Cause :
# - The program attempted to perform a DML, commit, or rollback inside a query.
# *Action :
# - Do not use a DML, commit, or rollback statement inside a query.
When a user function is used inside the SELECT statement, the function must only include the SELECT statement.
However, this error occurs when DMLs are included in a user function.
Remove the DML statement from a user function inside the SELECT statement.
# In the following example, the error occurs when a function including the INSERT statement is used within the SELECT statement.
# In the following example, the above function is successfully executed using the EXECUTE statement
# In the following example, the function is successfully executed when the INSERT statement is removed from the SELECT statement.