This section explains how to perform Online Backup and Time Based Recovery, which can be performed when the Altibase server is operated in archive log mode.
Online Backup is not possible except in Archivelog Mode.
ALTIBASE HDB version 4 or later
Online backup procedure
1. Online backup is possible only when the DB is running in the archive mode, and the procedure to check and change the archive mode is as follows.
A. How to check Archivelog mode
B. How to change Archive mode
The Archive mode cannot be changed while online and can be changed at the Control stage after DB shutdown.
After connecting to sysdba mode, start-up in the Control stage and change to Archive mode.
2. Procedure to perform Online Backup when DB is operating in Archivelog Mode
A. Database Online Backup by database system
1) Database unit online backup
The following files are copied to the /backup directory.
2) In case of online backup for a specific tablespace unit
3) Log anchor online backup
B. Online backup by DBA
1) Online backup by tablespace
Ex) Online backup of data files of USER_MEMORY_TBS and USER_DISK_TBS tablespaces in /backup_dir.
The memory tablespace data file is backed up online after confirming that it is a stable version of the data file.
2) Finishing online backup by DBA
Commands to force archive log files related to the backup must be executed so that even if the current log file is not used up, it is instructed to close it and continue logging to the next log file.
Time based recovery
It is operating in Archivelog Mode and is a recovery procedure when online backup (or cold backup) for the entire DB is performed more than once before the desired recovery point.
Ex) The tablespace USER_DISK_TBS was deleted by mistake. (July 23, 2015 14:11)
Database recovery procedure to the state of 10 minutes before the tablespace existed
At the last backup, the entire DB was backed up as follows.
A. Copy the data files of all disk tablespaces of the backed up database to the original location of the data files.
B. Check the archive log files required for recovery and copy and use the backed up log anchor files.
1) Check the archive log files required for recovery
In the altibase_sm.log file created in the $ALTIBASE_HOME/trc directory, check the files that were forcibly archived when the backup was completed.
2) Copy the backed up log anchor file
3) Because the SYS_TBS_DISK_TEMP tablespace is not backed up, create a new one.
4) Perform incomplete media recovery.
Since the incomplete media recovery has performed, the resetlogs option must be used while going to the meta startup stage.
5) Since the server was started and the log was reset, the entire database was backed up.
More detailed information can be found in the Table of Contents of the Admin Manual > Backup and Recovery cases.