The query corresponding to each monitoring element to check Privileges information is as follows.
System Privilege
This shows system privileges granted to all users. To view only privileges shown to a specific user, delete the comment (A.USER_NAME condition), enter the user name, and search.
Description | |
GRANTEE | The name of the authorized user |
GRANTOR | The name of the user who granted the permission |
This shows object rights granted to all users.
This query can be used in Altibase 6.3.1 or later. To use it in a lower version, simply delete the comment section.
Column | Description |
GRANTEE | The name of the authorized user |
GRANTOR | The name of the user who granted the permission |
OBJECT_OWNER | Object owner name |
OBJECT_NAME | Object name |
PRIV_NAME | Authority type |
WITH_GRANT_OPTION | This means whether the user who has been granted object authority can grant the authority to other users. |
The user can check the list of roles created in the database, system rights, and object rights granted to the role.
Role is a feature supported starting from Altibase 6.5.1.
Column | Description |
ROLE_NAME | The name of the Role |
PRIV_TYPE | Whether if the role is granted with system or object privileges. 'SYSTEM' is system authority and 'OBJECT' is object authority. |
OBJECT_NAME | If PRIV_TYPE is OBJECT, the object name is displayed. This shows in the form of object owner and object name. |
OBJECT_TYPE | If PRIV_TYPE is OBJECT, the object type is displayed. |
PRIV_NAME | Authority name |
WITH_GRANT_OPTION | When PRIV_TYPE is OBJECT, this means whether the user who has been granted object authority can grant the authority to other users. |
This shows who has been granted the role and who has given it.
Description | |
GRANTEE | Database user granted the role |
GRANTOR | Database user who granted the role |
This shows a list of system privileges and object privileges supported by Altibase.