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The query corresponding to each monitoring element to check Privileges information is as follows.

System Privilege

This shows system privileges granted to all users. To view only privileges shown to a specific user, delete the comment (A.USER_NAME condition), enter the user name, and search.

  • Main Column Description

GRANTEEThe name of the authorized user
GRANTORThe name of the user who granted the permission
PRIV_NAMESystem authority name

Object Privilege

This shows object rights granted to all users.

This query can be used in Altibase 6.3.1 or later. To use it in a lower version, simply delete the comment section.

  • Main Column Description

GRANTEEThe name of the authorized user
GRANTORThe name of the user who granted the permission
OBJECT_OWNERObject owner name
OBJECT_NAMEObject name
PRIV_NAMEAuthority type
WITH_GRANT_OPTIONThis means whether the user who has been granted object authority can grant the authority to other users.

Role Creation Information

The user can check the list of roles created in the database, system rights, and object rights granted to the role.

Role is a feature supported starting from Altibase 6.5.1.

ROLE_NAMEThe name of the Role
PRIV_TYPEWhether if the role is granted with system or object privileges. 'SYSTEM' is system authority and 'OBJECT' is object authority.
OBJECT_NAMEIf PRIV_TYPE is OBJECT, the object name is displayed. This shows in the form of object owner and object name.
OBJECT_TYPEIf PRIV_TYPE is OBJECT, the object type is displayed.
PRIV_NAMEAuthority name
WITH_GRANT_OPTIONWhen PRIV_TYPE is OBJECT, this means whether the user who has been granted object authority can grant the authority to other users.

User Information Given Role

This shows who has been granted the role and who has given it.

  • Main Column Description

GRANTEEDatabase user granted the role
GRANTORDatabase user who granted the role
ROLE_NAMERole name

System and Object Privilege Types

This shows a list of system privileges and object privileges supported by Altibase.



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