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This document provides basic information to be learned for Altibase server monitoring and examples of general monitoring queries according to it. It is composed of three sections as follows:

  • Altibase Server Monitoring Overview

  • Altibase Meta Table and Performance View Overview

  • Monitoring Elements and corresponding monitoring queries

This document briefly describes the meta table and performance view related to the monitoring query presented as an example.

The description of the column is omitted when it is considered that a separate description is unnecessary because the name is intuitive and the column that has already been described repeatedly appears.

Therefore, it is recommended to refer to the General Reference manual for more detailed information and understanding of meta tables and performance views.

To refer to the monitoring queries sample, please go straight to the section 'Chapter 3. Monitoring Elements and Monitoring Queries'.

The ERD included in this document was written in IDEF1X notation using CA ERwin ® Data Modeler.

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