NUMBER (p,s)
In ORACLE, NUMBER data type stores zero as well as positive and negative fixed numbers with absolute value.
It works exactly same in ALTIBASE HDB as well.
A subtype of the NUMBER data type having precision p.
A FLOAT value is represented internally as NUMBER.
The precision p can range from 1 to 126 binary digits
32bit, single-precision floating-point number data type.
Each BINARY_FLOAT value requires 4 bytes.
ALTIBASE HDB does not support this data type but you can use REAL type instead.
ALTIBASE HDB REAL type stores 4-byte fixed decimal floating value and it is equivalent to the float type in C Language.
64bit, double-precision floating-point number data type.
Each BINARY_DOUBLE value requires 8 bytes.
ALTIBASE HDB does not support this data type but you can use DOUBLE type instead.
ALTIBASE HDB DOUBLE type stores 8-byte fixed decimal floating value and it is equivalent to the double type in C Language.
This is ANSI data type.
This data type can be converted to NUMBER(p, s) data type in ORACLE.
So, this conversion rule is identical to "NUMBER(p, s)".
This is ANSI data type.
This data type can be converted to NUMBER(p, s) data type in ORACLE.
So, this conversion rule is identical to "NUMBER(p, s)".
This is ANSI data type.
This data type can be converted to NUMBER(38) in ORACLE.
So, this data type can be converted to NUMBER(38) in ALTIBASE HDB as well.
Same as above INT.
Same as above INT.
This is ANSI data type.
This data type can be converted to NUMBER(126) in ORACLE.
But, ALTIBASE HDB NUMBER type maximum precesion is 38.
So, if you want to change, it can be FLOAT(38).
This is ANSI data type.
This data type can be converted to NUMBER(126) in ORACLE.
But, ALTIBASE HDB NUMBER type maximum precesion is 38.
So, if you want to change, it can be FLOAT(38).
This is ANSI data type.
This data type can be converted to NUMBER(63) in ORACLE.
But, ALTIBASE HDB NUMBER type maximum precesion is 38.
So, if you want to change, it can be FLOAT(38).