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This chapter describes how to integrate with TOMCAT using the FailOver function provided by ALTIBASE.
1. When specifying a JNDI DatSource in the context.xml file, specify the FailOver related properties in the Connection URL part.
Code Block |
<context> <Resource name="jdbc/Altibase" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" driverClassName="Altibase.jdbc.driver.AltibaseDriver" maxActive="100" maxIdle="-1" maxWait="-1" username="sys" password="manager" url="jdbc:Altibase:// AlternateServers=( ConnectionRetryCount=3& ConnectionRetryDelay=3& SessionFailOver=on& LoadBalance=off" validationQuery="SELECT 1 FROM DUAL" testOnBorrow="true" removeAbandoned="true" removeAbandonedTimeout="60" logAbandoned="true" /> </context> |
- Refer to the FailOver/server.xml file
FailOver related properties are as follows. For more detailed information, please refer to the Replication Manual.
AlternateServer | Indicates the alternate servers to be connected when a failure occurs (IP Address1:Port1, IP Address2:Port2,...).
ConnectionRetryCount | The number of tries of connection attempts when an alternative server connection fails.
ConnectionRetryDelay | Time to wait before attempting to connection connect when the alternative server connection fails (in seconds) |
LoadBalance | When set to on, random selection is made including default server and alternate servers when the first connection is attempted. If set to off, it connects to the default server when it tries to connect for the first time, and if it fails, it connects to the server described by AlternateServer. |
SessionFailOver | Indicates whether to perform STF (Service Time Fail-Over) on : STF, off : CTF |
For the implementation method of CTF and STF, please refer to the FailOver technical document.