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Numeric Function

ABSABSReturn absolute value
ACOSACOSReturn the arc cosine of n
ASINASINReturn the arc sine of n
ATANATANReturn the arctangent of n
ATAN2ATAN2Return the arc tangent of n/m
BITANDBITANDReturn an integer by performing AND operation on the bits of argument 1 and 2
BITNOTBITNOTReturn the result fo NOT operation for the bits of bit_a
BITORBITORReturn the result of OR operation for the bits of bit_a and bit_b
BITXORBITXORReturn the XOR (exclusive OR) operation result for the bits of bit_a and bit_b
CEILCEILRound up the number specified in the argument and return an integer
COSCOSReturn the cosine value
COSHCOSHReturn the hyperbolic cosine
EXPEXPReturn e to the power of n
FLOORFLOORReturn the maximum value among integers less than or equal to a specified number
Not supportedISNUMERICDetermine whether the entered formula is valid as a numeric data type
LNLNReturn the natural logarithm of the input
LOGLOGReturn the logarithm of n with the base m in LOG(m,n)
MODMODReturn the remainder of dividing n2 by n1
NANVLNot supportedIf the input value n2 is Nan (non-numeric), the replacement value n1 is returned. If n2 is not NaN, return n2
Not supportedNUMANDReturn the result of bitwise AND operation of BIGINT type bigint_a and bigint_a as BIGINT type result value
Not supportedNUMORReturn the result of bitwise OR operation of BIGINT type bigint_a and bigint_a as BIGINT type result value
Not supportedNUMSHIFTReturn the result of shifting as many as n bits to bigint, which is a BIGINT type, as a result value of BIGINT type
Not supportedNUMXORReturn the result of bitwise XOR operation of BIGINT type bigint_a and bigint_a as BIGINT type result value
POWERPOWERReturn the value of n2 to the power of n1
Not supportedRANDGenerate a random number between 0 and less than 1 and return it as a double type value
dbms.random()RANDOMReturn a pseudo-random integer value
REMAINDERMODReturn the remainder of n2 divided by n1
ROUND (number)ROUND (number)Return n value after the decimal point is rounded to integer
SIGNSIGNReturn the sign of n
SINSINReturn the sine of n
SINHSINHReturn the hyperbolic sine of n
SQRTSQRTReturn the square root of n
TANTANReturn the tangent of n
TANHTANHReturns the hyperbolic tangent of n
TRUNC (number)TRUNC (number)Truncate factor n1 to decimal place parameter n2 or less
WIDTH_BUCKETNot supportedCreate a histogram with the same area
Character functions that returns character values

Not supportedCHOSUNGExtract and return only the first letter of each letter from the entered Hangul string
CHRCHRReturn the ASCII code corresponding to the decimal number n
CONCATCONCATConcatenate char1 and char2 and return
Not supportedDIGESTReturn the hash digest of expr as a VARCHAR type using a quasi-encrypted hash algorithm.
Not supportedDIGITSReturn input integer as a string
INITCAPINITCAPConvert the first letter of each word from the input string to uppercase and the rest to lowercase and return
LOWERLOWERConvert input string to lower case
LPADLPADFill expr1 from the specified digit n, and fill expr1 in the remaining space on the left
LTRIMLTRIMRemove all characters specified by set from the left side of the character string char
NCHRNCHRReturn Unicode character
NLS_INITCAPNot supportedReturn char by converting the first letter of each word to uppercase and the remaining letters to lowercase
NLS_LOWERNot supportedConvert all characters to lowercase and return
NLS_UPPERNot supportedReturn the input string converted to all uppercase letters
NLSSORTNot supportedSort input string and return string
Not supportedRANDOM_STRINGCreate an arbitrary string as long as the length in the format specified in the option
REGEXP_REPLACEREGEXP_REPLACEReplace the part that satisfies the specified regular expression with another specified string
REGEXP_SUBSTRREGEXP_SUBSTRReturn a substring that satisfies the specified regular expression
REPLACEREPLACEIn the first string given as a parameter, all the second strings are replaced with the third-string and the result is returned
Not supportedREPLICATEReturn a string repeated expr n times
Not supportedREVERSE_STRReturn the result of inverting the character order of expr
RPADRPADTo the right of the argument expr1, the character specified by the argument expr2 is repeated as long as n is necessary
RTRIMRTRIMRemove all characters specified by set from the right end of the argument char
Not supportedSIZEOFReturn the size of a string or the size allocated to it
SOUNDEXNot supportedReturn a string with the phonetic representation of char
Not supportedSTUFFRemove length from the position specified by start and return a string with expr2 inserted in that position



Return a string of length from the start character in expr
SUBSTRBSUBSTRBDetermine position and length in bytes, not characters
TRANSLATETRANSLATEEach character in from_string is replaced with the corresponding character in to_string and expr is returned
TREATNot supportedChange the declaration type of the argument
TRIPTRIMpRemove leading or trailing (both sides) characters from the string
UPPERUPPERConver all letters to uppercase
Character functions that return numeric valuesASCIIASCIIReturn the decimal value corresponding to the ASCII value of the first character of a given char
 Not supportedDATE_TO_UNIX

Convert expr of DATE type to a value in seconds based on 1970-01-01 00:00:00 (UTC +00:00 time zone) and return
Returns the decimal value corresponding to the ASCII value of the first character of

 INSTRINSTRReturn the position of the first occurrence of the specified character in a string as a number
 Not supportedINSTRBReturn the position of the specified string in bytes rather than characters




Return the length of the argument char
 Not supportedLENGTHBReturn the length of the input string in bytes
 Not supportedOCT_TO_NUMConvert expr to octal
 Not supportedPKCS7PAD16Fit the total byte length of expr to a multiple of 16
 Not supportedPKCS7UNPAD16Restore a multiple of 16 byte string created using the KCS7PAD16() function to the data before padding
 Not supportedPOSITIONFind substring in input expr string and return the position of the first character of the substring
 REGEXP_COUNTREGENX_COUNTReturn the number of times the pattern is bright in a string
 REGEXP_INSTRREGEXP_INSTRReturn the first position (what character) of the part that satisfies the specified condition (regular expression)
NLS character function




Not supportedReturn DB charset ID and name
Collation function




Not supportedReturn information about collation settings
Datetime functionADD_MONTHSADD_MONTHSReturn the value of the date plus a specific number of months integer
Not supportedCONV_TIMEZONEConvert expr based on src_tz time zone to dest_tz time zone
CURRENT_DATECURRENT_DATEReturn the date information of the current session as Date data type
CURRENT_TIMESTAMPCURRENT_TIMESTAMPReturn the date and time information of the current session
+, - operation+, -, DATEADDReturn the result by increasing the date_field_name part of date by the number
Not supportedDATEDIFFReturn the value of enddate minus startdate (i.e. enddate-startdate) in the unit specified in date_field_name
Not supportedDATENAMEReturn the name of the month or weekday of the specified date according to the input date_field_name
DBTIMEZONEDB_TIMEZONEReturn the value of the database time zone
EXTRACT (datetime)


EXTRACT (datetime)

Return only the value corresponding to date_field_name in the input date
FROM_TZNot supportedConvert timestamp data type and time zone data type to TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type
LAST_DAYLAST_DAYReturn the last day of the month in which the date belongs
LOCALTIMESTAMPNot supportedOutput the current date and time of timestamp
MONTHS_BETWEENMONTHS_BETWEENCalculate the month between date date1 and date2
NEW_TIMENot supportedOutput the Zone1 time in zone2 time
NEXT_DAYNEXT_DAYConvert the next date of the specified weekday based on that day
NUMTODSINTERVALNot supportedChange n to INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND character
NUMTOYMINTERVALNot supportedChange n to INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH character
ORA_DST_AFFECTEDNot supported 
ORA_DST_CONVERTNot supported 
ORA_DST_ERRORNot supported 
ROUND (date)ROUND (date)Return the date rounded to the unit specified by the format model fmt
SESSIONTIMEZONESESSION_TIMEZONEReflect the time zone of the current session
SYS_EXTRACT_UTCNot supportedReturn Coordinated Universal Time—formerly Greenwich Mean Time (UTC)
SYSDATESYSDATEReturn the date and time of the OS where the database is located
TRUNC (date)TRUNC (date)Round or cut dates based on year, month, and day
TZ_OFFSETNot supportedReturn the time zone offset corresponding to the argument based on the date the statement was executed
Not supportedUNIX_DATEOutput the current date and time of the operating system based on the UTC +00:00 time zone
Not supportedUNIX_TIMESTAMPOutput the current date and time of the operating system based on the UTC +00:00 time zone
Not supportedUNIX_TO_DATEConvert expr to DATE type and return
Comparison functionCASECASE, CASE2Convert expr to DATE type and return
GREATESTGREATESTReturn the largest value among one or more arguments
LEASTLEASTReturn the smallest value among the list of arguments EXPR
Conversion functionACSIISTRASCIISTRReturn the ASCII string of a string
 Not supportedBASE64_DECODEDecode the input string of VARBYTE type encoded in base64 format and return the original data of VARBYTE type
 Not supportedBASE64_DECODE_64VARBYTE type value is encoded in base64 format and VARBYTE type string is returned
 Not supportedBASE64_ENCODE_STRReturn the result of base64-encoded hexadecimal input string as a VARCHAR type string.
 Not supportedBINARY_LENGTHReturn the data length of binary data types such as BLOB, BYTE, and NIBBLE
 BIN_TO_NUMBIN_TO_NUMConvert bit (binary) vector to equivalent number (decimal)
 CASTCASTConvert data type or collection type to another data type or collection type
 CHARTOROWIDNot supportedConvert character type value to ROWID type
 COMPOSENot supportedReturn Unicode in normalized form
 CONVERTCONVERTConvert character set to another character set
 DECOMPOSENot supportedReturn the UNICODE string after decomposition into the same character set as the input
 Not supportedHEX_DECODEConvert hexadecimal string to ASCII string and return
 Not supportedHEX_ENCODEConvert ASCII string to hexadecimal string corresponding to each character and return
 Not supportedHEX_TO_NUMconvert expr to decimal
 HEXTORAWNot supportedConvert hexadecimal to raw value
 RAWTOHEXNot supportedConvert RAW to hexadecimal characters
 RAWTONHEXNot supportedConvert RAW TO NVARCHAR2 hexadecimal number
 Not supportedRAW_CONCATConcatenate and return values of multiple input VARBYTE data types that are not NULL
 Not supportedRAW_SIZEOFReturn the actual size of the data space allocated to the input expr
 Not supportedRAW_TO_FLOATConvert the value converted to VARBYTE data type to NUMERIC or FLOAT data type using TO_RAW function and return
 Not supportedRAW_TO_INTEGERReturn the value converted to VARBYTE as INTEGER data type by using TO_RAW function
 Not supportedRAW_TO_NUMERICConvert the value converted to VARBYTE data type to NUMERIC or FLOAT data type using TO_RAW function and return
 Not supportedRAW_TO_VARCHARConvert VARCHAR type data to VARCHAR type data converted VARBYTE type value using the TO_RAW function
 ROWIDTOCHARNot supportedConvert rowid value to VARCHAR2 format
 ROWIDTOONCHARNot supportedConvert rowid value to NVARCHAR2 format
 ROWNUMROWNUMOrder the value of a selected row, not supported in DML
 SCN_TO_TIMESTAMPNot supportedTake a number evaluated as a system change number (SCN) as an argument and return the nearest timestamp related to the SCN
 TIMESTAMP_TO_SCNNot supportedReturn system change number (SCN) related to timestamp
 Not supportedTO_BINConvert n to binary
 TO_BiNARY_DOUBLENot supportedReturn double-precision floating point
 TO_BINARY_FLOATNot supportedReturn a single-precision floating-point number
 TO_BLOB (bfile)Not supportedConvert BFILE to BLOB
 TO_BLOB (raw)Not supportedConvert RAW to BLOB
 TO_CHAR (bfile|blob)Not supportedConvert BFILE and BLOB to database charset
 TO_CHAR (character)Not supportedConvert to database character set
 TO_CHAR (datetime)TO_CHAR (datetime)Convert to VARCHAR data type value of specified format
 TO_CHAR (number)TO_CHAR (number)Convert to VARCHAR data type value
 TO_CLOB (bfile|blob)Not supportedConvert NCLOB value to CLOB value
 TO_CLOB (character)Not supportedConvert character value to CLOB
 TO_DATETO_DATEConvert char to date data type value
 Not supportedTO_HEXConvert n to hexadecimal
 Not supported



Convert n to interval_unit unit and return
 TO_LOBNot supportedConvert LONG or LONG ROW value to LOB value
 TO_MULTI_BYTENot supportedReturn the character converted from a multibyte character to the corresponding single-byte character
 TO_NCHAR (character)TO_NCHAR (character)Convert to national character set
 TO_NCHAR (number)TO_NCHAR (number)Covert n to national character set
 TO_NCHAR (datetime)TO_NCHAR (datetime)Convert to national character set
 TO_NCLOBNot supportedConvert CLOB value to NCLOB value
 TO_NUMBERTO_NUMBERConvert expr to a value of data type NUMBER
 Not supportedTO_OCTConvert n to octal
 Not supportedTO_RAWConvert all data type values entered in n into VARBYTE type and return
 TO_SINGLE_BYTENot supportedConvert multibyte characters into corresponding single-byte characters and return char

Convert char to value of TIMESTAMP data type

 TO_TIMESTAMP_TZNot supportedConvert char to TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type
 TO_YMINTERVALNot supportedChange string to INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH format
 TRANSLATE ... USINGNot supportedConvert char to the specified character set for conversion between the database character set and national character cents
 UNISTRUNISTRTake a text string as an argument and return it as a national language character set
 VALIDATE_CONVERSIONNot supportedDetermine whether expr can be converted to the specified data type
Large Object (LOB) functionBFILENAMENot supportedReturn the BFILE locator associated with the physical LOB binary file of the server file system
 EMPTY_BLOBEMPTY_BLOBInitialize lob variable and return the location of empty lob
 EMPTY_CLOBEMPTY_CLOBInitialize lob variable and return the location of empty lob
Collection functions related to nested tables






Not supportedFunctions related to nested tables
Hierarchical functionSYS_CONNECT_BY_PATHSYS_CONNECT_BY_PATHReturn the column value Path from root to node
Data mining functions


















Not supportedData mining related functions
XML functions






































Not supportedXML related functions
JSON functions









Not supportedJSON related functions
Encoding/Decoding functionsDECODEDECODESame as CASE WHEN where simple_case_expr is used
DUMPDUMPReturn the location and length of specified data in a specified format
ORA_HASHNot supportedCalculate a hash value for a given expression
STANDARD_HASHNot supportedCalculate standard hash value
VSIZEOCTET_LENGTHReturn the length of the input string in bytes
NULL functionsCOALESCECOALESCEReturns the first non-NULL argument
LNNVLLNNVLIf the result of the condition is FALSE or NULL, TRUE is returned, and if the condition is TRUE, FALSE is returned
NULLIFNULLIFIf expr1 and expr2 is the same, return NULL value
NVLNVLReplace NULL values with blanks in the query result
NVL2NVL2If expr1 is not NULL, NVL2 returns expr2. If it is NULL, expr3 is returned.
Environment and identifier functionsNot supportedHOST_NAMEReturn the name of the currently connected host







Not supported 
Not supportedSENDMSGSend message to ip=address, port as Socket datagram
SYS_CONTEXTSYS_CONTEXTReturn the result value of related parameters using the environment information (context) connected to the current session as a namespace

Create and return a globally unique identifier (RAW value) consisting of 16 bytes.

Create a globally unique identifier of 16 bytes and returns it as a 32 hexadecimal string

SYS_TYPEIDNot supportedReturn the typeid of the identifier
UIDUSER_IDReturn an integer that uniquely identifies the session user
USERUSER_NAMEReturn the name of the session user

USERENV returns information about the session.

SESSION_ID returns the user's SESSION_ID

Approxiamtion functions








Not supported 
 GROUP_IDNot supportedDistinguish duplicate groups from the specified GROUP BY result

When a column described in the GROUPING function is grouped by using it with the ROLLUP or CUBE operator.

In other words, a function that shows whether it was used in ROLLUP or CUBE operation.

 GROUPING_IDGROUPING_IDReturn the number corresponding to the GROUPING bit vector associated with the row
 MEDIANNot supportedReturns the median or interpolated value after sorting of values
 STAT_BINOMIAL_TESTNot supportedAn exact probability test used for dichotomous variables where only two valid values exist (variables with two exclusive values)
 STATS_CROSSTABNot supportedAnalyze two nominal variables
 STATS_F_TESTNot supported

Test whether there is a significant difference between the two variances

 STATS_KS_TESTNot supportedThe Kolmogorov-Smirnov function that tests whether two samples belong to the same population or that they belong to a population with the same distribution
 STATS_MODENot supportedReturn the value with the largest frequency
 STATS_MW_TESTNot supportedA Mann-Whitney test compares two independent samples.
 STATS_ONE_WAY_ANOVASTATS_ONE_WAY_ANOVAThe one-way analysis of variance function (STATS_ONE_WAY_ANOVA) verifies the significant difference in the mean (for a group or variable) for statistical significance by comparing two other estimates of variance
 STAT_T_TEST_(STATS_T_TEST_ONE, STAT_T_TEST_PAIRED, STATS_T_TEST_INDEP and STATS_T_TEST_INDEPU)Not supportedIn t-test, the significance of the difference between the mean values is measured
 STATS_WSR_TESTNot supportedWilcox sign ranking test of paired pairs is performed, and the difference between samples is tested whether there is a significant difference from zero
 SYS_OP_ZONE_IDNot supportedTake a rowid as an argument and return the area ID
Analysis functionsFIRST_VALUEFIRST_VALUEReturn the first value in an ordered set of values
Not supportedFIRST_VALUE_IGNORE_NULLSGet the value of the first row excluding null values
LAGLAGRefer to the previous value relative to the current row

Calculate the value of the first non-NULL row from the offset th after the current row

NTH_VALUENTH_VALUEFind the value of the offset th row
Not supportedNTH_VALUE_IGNORE_NULLSFind the value of the offset th row excluding null values
NTILENTILEDivide the output result by the number of groups specified by the user and output it
RATIO_TO_REPORTRATIO_TO_REPORTCalculate the ratio of a value to the sum of a set of values
ROW_NUMBERROW_NUMBERGive a ranking for the results sorted by division
Aggregation/analysis functionAVGAVGReturn the average of the rows that satisfy the conditions for the specified column, excluding nulls
 CORRCORRReturn the correlation coefficient for a pair of numbers
 CORR_ (CORR_S, CORR_K)Not supported(See CORR) Calculate Pearson's correlation coefficient
 COUNTCOUNTReturn the number of rows returned by the query
 COVAR_POPCOVAR_POPReturn the population covariance of a set of number combinations
 COVAR_SAMPCOVAR_SAMPReturn the sample covariance of a set of number pairs
 CUME_DISTCUME_DISTCompute the cumulative distribution of values in a group of values
 DENSE_RANKDENSE_RANKRank is given to the column or expression used in the ORDER BY clause. Unlike RANK(), the rank after the same rank returns a value that is increased by 1 regardless of the number of the same rank.
 FIRSTFIRSTOperate on a set of values from a set of rows by ranking as FIRST or LAST for a given sort specification
 Not supportedGROUP_CONCATReturn the string concatenated with non-NULL expr1 in each group
 LASTLASTThe last row is extracted by sequencing the rows
 LISTAGGLISTAGGReturn a single string by concatenating a string and a separator for all rows in a group
 MAXMAXReturn the maximum value among arguments
 MINMINReturn the minimum value among arguments
 PERCENT_RANKPERCENT_RANKReturn the rank percentage of a value for the number of groups
 PERCENTILE_CONTPERCENTILE_CONTInverse distribution function assuming a continuous distribution model
 PERCENTILE_DISKPERCENTILE_DISCInverse distribution function assuming a discrete distribution model
 RANKRANKCalculate the rank of values in a group of values
 REGR_ (Linear Regression) FunctionsNot supportedThe linear regression function fits a normal least squares regression line to a set of numeric pairs
 STDDEVSTDDEVReturn the sample standard deviation of expr, which is a combination of numbers
 STDDEV_POPSTDDEV_POPCalculate the population standard deviation and return the square root of the population variance
 STDDEV_SAMPSTDDEV_SAMPCalculate the cumulative sample standard deviation and returns the square root of the sample variance
 SUMSUMReturn the sum of the values of expr
 VAR_POPVAR_POPReturn the population variance of a set of Numbers after removing null values
 VAR_SAMPVAR_SAMPReturn the sampling variance of a set of numbers after removing nulls.
 VARIANCEVARIANCEReturn the variance of expr
Object reference functions






Not supportedObject reference functions
Model functions






Not supportedAvailable only in Model_clause of Select statement
OLAP functionCUBE_TABLENot supportedConvert 3D data to 2D data
Data cartridge function



Not supportedUseful for data cartridge development









