Classification | Oracle | Altibase | Description |
Numeric Function | ABS | ABS | Return absolute value |
ACOS | ACOS | Return the arc cosine of n | |
ASIN | ASIN | Return the arc sine of n | |
ATAN | ATAN | Return the arctangent of n | |
ATAN2 | ATAN2 | Return the arc tangent of n/m | |
BITAND | BITAND | Return an integer by performing AND operation on the bits of argument 1 and 2 | |
BITNOT | BITNOT | Return the result fo NOT operation for the bits of bit_a | |
BITOR | BITOR | Return the result of OR operation for the bits of bit_a and bit_b | |
BITXOR | BITXOR | Return the XOR (exclusive OR) operation result for the bits of bit_a and bit_b | |
CEIL | CEIL | Round up the number specified in the argument and return an integer | |
COS | COS | Return the cosine value | |
COSH | COSH | Return the hyperbolic cosine | |
EXP | EXP | Return e to the power of n | |
FLOOR | FLOOR | Return the maximum value among integers less than or equal to a specified number | |
Not supported | ISNUMERIC | Determine whether the entered formula is valid as a numeric data type | |
LN | LN | Return the natural logarithm of the input | |
LOG | LOG | Return the logarithm of n with the base m in LOG(m,n) | |
MOD | MOD | Return the remainder of dividing n2 by n1 | |
NANVL | Not supported | If the input value n2 is Nan (non-numeric), the replacement value n1 is returned. If n2 is not NaN, return n2 | |
Not supported | NUMAND | Return the result of bitwise AND operation of BIGINT type bigint_a and bigint_a as BIGINT type result value | |
Not supported | NUMOR | Return the result of bitwise OR operation of BIGINT type bigint_a and bigint_a as BIGINT type result value | |
Not supported | NUMSHIFT | Return the result of shifting as many as n bits to bigint, which is a BIGINT type, as a result value of BIGINT type | |
Not supported | NUMXOR | Return the result of bitwise XOR operation of BIGINT type bigint_a and bigint_a as BIGINT type result value | |
POWER | POWER | Return the value of n2 to the power of n1 | |
Not supported | RAND | Generate a random number between 0 and less than 1 and return it as a double type value | |
dbms.random() | RANDOM | Return a pseudo-random integer value | |
REMAINDER | MOD | Return the remainder of n2 divided by n1 | |
ROUND (number) | ROUND (number) | Return n value after the decimal point is rounded to integer | |
SIGN | SIGN | Return the sign of n | |
SIN | SIN | Return the sine of n | |
SINH | SINH | Return the hyperbolic sine of n | |
SQRT | SQRT | Return the square root of n | |
TAN | TAN | Return the tangent of n | |
TANH | TANH | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of n | |
TRUNC (number) | TRUNC (number) | Truncate factor n1 to decimal place parameter n2 or less | |
WIDTH_BUCKET | Not supported | Create a histogram with the same area | |
Character functions that returns character values | Not supported | CHOSUNG | Extract and return only the first letter of each letter from the entered Hangul string |
CHR | CHR | Return the ASCII code corresponding to the decimal number n | |
CONCAT | CONCAT | Concatenate char1 and char2 and return | |
Not supported | DIGEST | Return the hash digest of expr as a VARCHAR type using a quasi-encrypted hash algorithm. | |
Not supported | DIGITS | Return input integer as a string | |
INITCAP | INITCAP | Convert the first letter of each word from the input string to uppercase and the rest to lowercase and return | |
LOWER | LOWER | Convert input string to lower case | |
LPAD | LPAD | Fill expr1 from the specified digit n, and fill expr1 in the remaining space on the left | |
LTRIM | LTRIM | Remove all characters specified by set from the left side of the character string char | |
NCHR | NCHR | Return Unicode character | |
NLS_INITCAP | Not supported | Return char by converting the first letter of each word to uppercase and the remaining letters to lowercase | |
NLS_LOWER | Not supported | Convert all characters to lowercase and return | |
NLS_UPPER | Not supported | Return the input string converted to all uppercase letters | |
NLSSORT | Not supported | Sort input string and return string | |
Not supported | RANDOM_STRING | Create an arbitrary string as long as the length in the format specified in the option | |
REGEXP_REPLACE | REGEXP_REPLACE | Replace the part that satisfies the specified regular expression with another specified string | |
REGEXP_SUBSTR | REGEXP_SUBSTR | Return a substring that satisfies the specified regular expression | |
REPLACE | REPLACE | In the first string given as a parameter, all the second strings are replaced with the third-string and the result is returned | |
Not supported | REPLICATE | Return a string repeated expr n times | |
Not supported | REVERSE_STR | Return the result of inverting the character order of expr | |
RPAD | RPAD | To the right of the argument expr1, the character specified by the argument expr2 is repeated as long as n is necessary | |
RTRIM | RTRIM | Remove all characters specified by set from the right end of the argument char | |
Not supported | SIZEOF | Return the size of a string or the size allocated to it | |
SOUNDEX | Not supported | Return a string with the phonetic representation of char | |
Not supported | STUFF | Remove length from the position specified by start and return a string with expr2 inserted in that position | |
SUBSTR | SUBSTR SUBSTRING | Return a string of length from the start character in expr | |
SUBSTRB | SUBSTRB | Determine position and length in bytes, not characters | |
TRANSLATE | TRANSLATE | Each character in from_string is replaced with the corresponding character in to_string and expr is returned | |
TREAT | Not supported | Change the declaration type of the argument | |
TRIP | TRIMp | Remove leading or trailing (both sides) characters from the string | |
UPPER | UPPER | Conver all letters to uppercase | |
Character functions that return numeric values | ASCII | ASCII | Return the decimal value corresponding to the ASCII value of the first character of a given char |
Not supported | DATE_TO_UNIX | Convert expr of DATE type to a value in seconds based on 1970-01-01 00:00:00 (UTC +00:00 time zone) and return | |
INSTR | INSTR | Return the position of the first occurrence of the specified character in a string as a number | |
Not supported | INSTRB | Return the position of the specified string in bytes rather than characters | |
LENGTH | CHAR_LENGTH CHARACTER_LENGTH LENGTH | Return the length of the argument char | |
Not supported | LENGTHB | Return the length of the input string in bytes | |
Not supported | OCT_TO_NUM | Convert expr to octal | |
Not supported | PKCS7PAD16 | Fit the total byte length of expr to a multiple of 16 | |
Not supported | PKCS7UNPAD16 | Restore a multiple of 16 byte string created using the KCS7PAD16() function to the data before padding | |
Not supported | POSITION | Find substring in input expr string and return the position of the first character of the substring | |
REGEXP_COUNT | REGENX_COUNT | Return the number of times the pattern is bright in a string | |
REGEXP_INSTR | REGEXP_INSTR | Return the first position (what character) of the part that satisfies the specified condition (regular expression) | |
NLS character function | NLS_CHARSET_DECL_LEN NLS_CHARSET_ID NLS_CHARSET_NAME | Not supported | Return DB charset ID and name |
Collation function | COLLATION NLS_COLLATION_ID NLS_COLLATION_NAME | Not supported | Return information about collation settings |
Datetime function | ADD_MONTHS | ADD_MONTHS | Return the value of the date plus a specific number of months integer |
Not supported | CONV_TIMEZONE | Convert expr based on src_tz time zone to dest_tz time zone | |
CURRENT_DATE | CURRENT_DATE | Return the date information of the current session as Date data type | |
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | Return the date and time information of the current session | |
+, - operation | +, -, DATEADD | Return the result by increasing the date_field_name part of date by the number | |
Not supported | DATEDIFF | Return the value of enddate minus startdate (i.e. enddate-startdate) in the unit specified in date_field_name | |
Not supported | DATENAME | Return the name of the month or weekday of the specified date according to the input date_field_name | |
DBTIMEZONE | DB_TIMEZONE | Return the value of the database time zone | |
EXTRACT (datetime) | DATEPART EXTRACT (datetime) | Return only the value corresponding to date_field_name in the input date | |
FROM_TZ | Not supported | Convert timestamp data type and time zone data type to TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type | |
LAST_DAY | LAST_DAY | Return the last day of the month in which the date belongs | |
LOCALTIMESTAMP | Not supported | Output the current date and time of timestamp | |
MONTHS_BETWEEN | MONTHS_BETWEEN | Calculate the month between date date1 and date2 | |
NEW_TIME | Not supported | Output the Zone1 time in zone2 time | |
NEXT_DAY | NEXT_DAY | Convert the next date of the specified weekday based on that day | |
NUMTODSINTERVAL | Not supported | Change n to INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND character | |
NUMTOYMINTERVAL | Not supported | Change n to INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH character | |
ORA_DST_AFFECTED | Not supported | ||
ORA_DST_CONVERT | Not supported | ||
ORA_DST_ERROR | Not supported | ||
ROUND (date) | ROUND (date) | Return the date rounded to the unit specified by the format model fmt | |
SESSIONTIMEZONE | SESSION_TIMEZONE | Reflect the time zone of the current session | |
SYS_EXTRACT_UTC | Not supported | Return Coordinated Universal Time—formerly Greenwich Mean Time (UTC) | |
SYSDATE | SYSDATE | Return the date and time of the OS where the database is located | |
SYSTIMESTAMP | SYSTIMESTAMP | Return the system date | |
TRUNC (date) | TRUNC (date) | Round or cut dates based on year, month, and day | |
TZ_OFFSET | Not supported | Return the time zone offset corresponding to the argument based on the date the statement was executed | |
Not supported | UNIX_DATE | Output the current date and time of the operating system based on the UTC +00:00 time zone | |
Not supported | UNIX_TIMESTAMP | Output the current date and time of the operating system based on the UTC +00:00 time zone | |
Not supported | UNIX_TO_DATE | Convert expr to DATE type and return | |
Comparison function | CASE | CASE, CASE2 | Convert expr to DATE type and return |
GREATEST | GREATEST | Return the largest value among one or more arguments | |
LEAST | LEAST | Return the smallest value among the list of arguments EXPR | |
Conversion function | ACSIISTR | ASCIISTR | Return the ASCII string of a string |
Not supported | BASE64_DECODE | Decode the input string of VARBYTE type encoded in base64 format and return the original data of VARBYTE type | |
Not supported | BASE64_DECODE_64 | VARBYTE type value is encoded in base64 format and VARBYTE type string is returned | |
Not supported | BASE64_ENCODE_STR | Return the result of base64-encoded hexadecimal input string as a VARCHAR type string. | |
Not supported | BINARY_LENGTH | Return the data length of binary data types such as BLOB, BYTE, and NIBBLE | |
BIN_TO_NUM | BIN_TO_NUM | Convert bit (binary) vector to equivalent number (decimal) | |
CAST | CAST | Convert data type or collection type to another data type or collection type | |
CHARTOROWID | Not supported | Convert character type value to ROWID type | |
COMPOSE | Not supported | Return Unicode in normalized form | |
CONVERT | CONVERT | Convert character set to another character set | |
DECOMPOSE | Not supported | Return the UNICODE string after decomposition into the same character set as the input | |
Not supported | HEX_DECODE | Convert hexadecimal string to ASCII string and return | |
Not supported | HEX_ENCODE | Convert ASCII string to hexadecimal string corresponding to each character and return | |
Not supported | HEX_TO_NUM | convert expr to decimal | |
HEXTORAW | Not supported | Convert hexadecimal to raw value | |
RAWTOHEX | Not supported | Convert RAW to hexadecimal characters | |
RAWTONHEX | Not supported | Convert RAW TO NVARCHAR2 hexadecimal number | |
Not supported | RAW_CONCAT | Concatenate and return values of multiple input VARBYTE data types that are not NULL | |
Not supported | RAW_SIZEOF | Return the actual size of the data space allocated to the input expr | |
Not supported | RAW_TO_FLOAT | Convert the value converted to VARBYTE data type to NUMERIC or FLOAT data type using TO_RAW function and return | |
Not supported | RAW_TO_INTEGER | Return the value converted to VARBYTE as INTEGER data type by using TO_RAW function | |
Not supported | RAW_TO_NUMERIC | Convert the value converted to VARBYTE data type to NUMERIC or FLOAT data type using TO_RAW function and return | |
Not supported | RAW_TO_VARCHAR | Convert VARCHAR type data to VARCHAR type data converted VARBYTE type value using the TO_RAW function | |
ROWIDTOCHAR | Not supported | Convert rowid value to VARCHAR2 format | |
ROWIDTOONCHAR | Not supported | Convert rowid value to NVARCHAR2 format | |
ROWNUM | ROWNUM | Order the value of a selected row, not supported in DML | |
SCN_TO_TIMESTAMP | Not supported | Take a number evaluated as a system change number (SCN) as an argument and return the nearest timestamp related to the SCN | |
TIMESTAMP_TO_SCN | Not supported | Return system change number (SCN) related to timestamp | |
Not supported | TO_BIN | Convert n to binary | |
TO_BiNARY_DOUBLE | Not supported | Return double-precision floating point | |
TO_BINARY_FLOAT | Not supported | Return a single-precision floating-point number | |
TO_BLOB (bfile) | Not supported | Convert BFILE to BLOB | |
TO_BLOB (raw) | Not supported | Convert RAW to BLOB | |
TO_CHAR (bfile|blob) | Not supported | Convert BFILE and BLOB to database charset | |
TO_CHAR (character) | Not supported | Convert to database character set | |
TO_CHAR (datetime) | TO_CHAR (datetime) | Convert to VARCHAR data type value of specified format | |
TO_CHAR (number) | TO_CHAR (number) | Convert to VARCHAR data type value | |
TO_CLOB (bfile|blob) | Not supported | Convert NCLOB value to CLOB value | |
TO_CLOB (character) | Not supported | Convert character value to CLOB | |
TO_DATE | TO_DATE | Convert char to date data type value | |
TO_DSINTERVAL | Not supported | Convert INTERVAR DAY TO SECOND value | |
Not supported | TO_HEX | Convert n to hexadecimal | |
Not supported | TO_INTERVAL (NUMTODSINTERVAL) | Convert n to interval_unit unit and return | |
TO_LOB | Not supported | Convert LONG or LONG ROW value to LOB value | |
TO_MULTI_BYTE | Not supported | Return the character converted from a multibyte character to the corresponding single-byte character | |
TO_NCHAR (character) | TO_NCHAR (character) | Convert to national character set | |
TO_NCHAR (number) | TO_NCHAR (number) | Covert n to national character set | |
TO_NCHAR (datetime) | TO_NCHAR (datetime) | Convert to national character set | |
TO_NCLOB | Not supported | Convert CLOB value to NCLOB value | |
TO_NUMBER | TO_NUMBER | Convert expr to a value of data type NUMBER | |
Not supported | TO_OCT | Convert n to octal | |
Not supported | TO_RAW | Convert all data type values entered in n into VARBYTE type and return | |
TO_SINGLE_BYTE | Not supported | Convert multibyte characters into corresponding single-byte characters and return char | |
TO_TIMESTAMP | TO_DATE | Convert char to value of TIMESTAMP data type | |
TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ | Not supported | Convert char to TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type | |
TO_YMINTERVAL | Not supported | Change string to INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH format | |
TRANSLATE ... USING | Not supported | Convert char to the specified character set for conversion between the database character set and national character cents | |
UNISTR | UNISTR | Take a text string as an argument and return it as a national language character set | |
VALIDATE_CONVERSION | Not supported | Determine whether expr can be converted to the specified data type | |
Large Object (LOB) function | BFILENAME | Not supported | Return the BFILE locator associated with the physical LOB binary file of the server file system |
EMPTY_BLOB | EMPTY_BLOB | Initialize lob variable and return the location of empty lob | |
EMPTY_CLOB | EMPTY_CLOB | Initialize lob variable and return the location of empty lob | |
Collection functions related to nested tables | CARDINALITY COLLECT POWERMULTISET POWERMULTISET_BY_CARDINALITY SET | Not supported | Functions related to nested tables |
Hierarchical function | SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH | SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH | Return the column value Path from root to node |
| Not supported | XML related functions |
Encoding/Decoding functions | DECODE | DECODE | Same as CASE WHEN where simple_case_expr is used |
DUMP | DUMP | Return the location and length of specified data in a specified format | |
ORA_HASH | Not supported | Calculate a hash value for a given expression | |
STANDARD_HASH | Not supported | Calculate standard hash value | |
VSIZE | OCTET_LENGTH | Return the length of the input string in bytes | |
NULL functions | COALESCE | COALESCE | Returns the first non-NULL argument |
LNNVL | LNNVL | If the result of the condition is FALSE or NULL, TRUE is returned, and if the condition is TRUE, FALSE is returned | |
NULLIF | NULLIF | If expr1 and expr2 is the same, return NULL value | |
NVL | NVL | Replace NULL values with blanks in the query result | |
NVL2 | NVL2 | If expr1 is not NULL, NVL2 returns expr2. If it is NULL, expr3 is returned. | |
Environment and identifier functions | Not supported | HOST_NAME | Return the name of the currently connected host |
Not supported | SENDMSG | Send message to ip=address, port as Socket datagram | |
SYS_CONTEXT | SYS_CONTEXT | Return the result value of related parameters using the environment information (context) connected to the current session as a namespace | |
SYS_GUID | SYS_GUID_STR | Create and return a globally unique identifier (RAW value) consisting of 16 bytes. Create a globally unique identifier of 16 bytes and returns it as a 32 hexadecimal string | |
SYS_TYPEID | Not supported | Return the typeid of the identifier | |
UID | USER_ID | Return an integer that uniquely identifies the session user | |
USER | USER_NAME | Return the name of the session user | |
USERENV | SESSION_ID | USERENV returns information about the session. SESSION_ID returns the user's SESSION_ID | |
GROUP_ID | Not supported | Distinguish duplicate groups from the specified GROUP BY result | |
GROUPING | GROUPING | When a column described in the GROUPING function is grouped by using it with the ROLLUP or CUBE operator. In other words, a function that shows whether it was used in ROLLUP or CUBE operation. | |
GROUPING_ID | GROUPING_ID | Return the number corresponding to the GROUPING bit vector associated with the row | |
MEDIAN | Not supported | Returns the median or interpolated value after sorting of values | |
STAT_BINOMIAL_TEST | Not supported | An exact probability test used for dichotomous variables where only two valid values exist (variables with two exclusive values) | |
STATS_CROSSTAB | Not supported | Analyze two nominal variables | |
STATS_F_TEST | Not supported | Test whether there is a significant difference between the two variances | |
STATS_KS_TEST | Not supported | The Kolmogorov-Smirnov function that tests whether two samples belong to the same population or that they belong to a population with the same distribution | |
STATS_MODE | Not supported | Return the value with the largest frequency | |
STATS_MW_TEST | Not supported | A Mann-Whitney test compares two independent samples. | |
STATS_ONE_WAY_ANOVA | STATS_ONE_WAY_ANOVA | The one-way analysis of variance function (STATS_ONE_WAY_ANOVA) verifies the significant difference in the mean (for a group or variable) for statistical significance by comparing two other estimates of variance | |
STAT_T_TEST_(STATS_T_TEST_ONE, STAT_T_TEST_PAIRED, STATS_T_TEST_INDEP and STATS_T_TEST_INDEPU) | Not supported | In t-test, the significance of the difference between the mean values is measured | |
STATS_WSR_TEST | Not supported | Wilcox sign ranking test of paired pairs is performed, and the difference between samples is tested whether there is a significant difference from zero | |
SYS_OP_ZONE_ID | Not supported | Take a rowid as an argument and return the area ID | |
TO_APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT | Not supported | ||
TO_APPROX_PERCENTILE | NOt supported | ||
Analysis functions | FIRST_VALUE | FIRST_VALUE | Return the first value in an ordered set of values |
Not supported | FIRST_VALUE_IGNORE_NULLS | Get the value of the first row excluding null values | |
LAG | LAG | Refer to the previous value relative to the current row | |
Not supported | LAG_IGNORE_NULLS | Calculate the value of the first non-NULL row from the offset th after the current row | |
NTH_VALUE | NTH_VALUE | Find the value of the offset th row | |
Not supported | NTH_VALUE_IGNORE_NULLS | Find the value of the offset th row excluding null values | |
NTILE | NTILE | Divide the output result by the number of groups specified by the user and output it | |
RATIO_TO_REPORT | RATIO_TO_REPORT | Calculate the ratio of a value to the sum of a set of values | |
ROW_NUMBER | ROW_NUMBER | Give a ranking for the results sorted by division | |
Aggregation/analysis function | AVG | AVG | Return the average of the rows that satisfy the conditions for the specified column, excluding nulls |
CORR | CORR | Return the correlation coefficient for a pair of numbers | |
CORR_ (CORR_S, CORR_K) | Not supported | (See CORR) Calculate Pearson's correlation coefficient | |
COUNT | COUNT | Return the number of rows returned by the query | |
COVAR_POP | COVAR_POP | Return the population covariance of a set of number combinations | |
COVAR_SAMP | COVAR_SAMP | Return the sample covariance of a set of number pairs | |
CUME_DIST | CUME_DIST | Compute the cumulative distribution of values in a group of values | |
DENSE_RANK | DENSE_RANK | Rank is given to the column or expression used in the ORDER BY clause. Unlike RANK(), the rank after the same rank returns a value that is increased by 1 regardless of the number of the same rank. | |
FIRST | FIRST | Operate on a set of values from a set of rows by ranking as FIRST or LAST for a given sort specification | |
Not supported | GROUP_CONCAT | Return the string concatenated with non-NULL expr1 in each group | |
LAST | LAST | The last row is extracted by sequencing the rows | |
LISTAGG | LISTAGG | Return a single string by concatenating a string and a separator for all rows in a group | |
MAX | MAX | Return the maximum value among arguments | |
MIN | MIN | Return the minimum value among arguments | |
PERCENT_RANK | PERCENT_RANK | Return the rank percentage of a value for the number of groups | |
PERCENTILE_CONT | PERCENTILE_CONT | Inverse distribution function assuming a continuous distribution model | |
PERCENTILE_DISK | PERCENTILE_DISC | Inverse distribution function assuming a discrete distribution model | |
RANK | RANK | Calculate the rank of values in a group of values | |
REGR_ (Linear Regression) Functions | Not supported | The linear regression function fits a normal least squares regression line to a set of numeric pairs | |
STDDEV | STDDEV | Return the sample standard deviation of expr, which is a combination of numbers | |
STDDEV_POP | STDDEV_POP | Calculate the population standard deviation and return the square root of the population variance | |
STDDEV_SAMP | STDDEV_SAMP | Calculate the cumulative sample standard deviation and returns the square root of the sample variance | |
SUM | SUM | Return the sum of the values of expr | |
VAR_POP | VAR_POP | Return the population variance of a set of Numbers after removing null values | |
VAR_SAMP | VAR_SAMP | Return the sampling variance of a set of numbers after removing nulls. | |
VARIANCE | VARIANCE | Return the variance of expr | |
Object reference functions | DEREF MAKE_REF REF REFTOHEX VALUE | Not supported | Object reference functions |
Model functions | CV ITERATION_NUMBER PRESENTNNV PRESENTV PREVIOUS | Not supported | Available only in Model_clause of Select statement |
OLAP function | CUBE_TABLE | Not supported | Convert 3D data to 2D data |
Data cartridge function | DATAOBJ_TO_MAT_PARTITION DATAOBJ_TO_PARTITION | Not supported | Useful for data cartridge development |