Table of Contents |
The Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is very similar to the CLI standard.
Applications based on ODBC can connect to the most popular DBMSs.
Thus, the application conversion is pretty easy. All the ODBC Core Level, Level 1, and
Level 2 functions are supported in Altibase CLI, except SQLDriver.
The SQL Datatypes are same in ODBC, as in Altibase Call Level Interface (CLI).
The Altibase CLI driver provides extensive support for the commonly used OCI
The OCI functions include connection, initialization, handle and
descriptor function, binding, define, statement, execution, result set, transaction
control, data type functions, date and time, large object processing, arrays,
stored procedure executions, File I/O, and so on.
These supported functions have a compatible syntax with the Oracle OCI
Function Mapping between OCI VS CLI(Altibase)
Oracle CLI | Altibase CLI | Comments |
OCIInitialize | N/A |
OCIEnvInit | SQLAllocHandle |
OCIServerAttach | SQLConnect |
OCIServerDetach | SQLDisconnect |
OCISessionBegin | N/A |
OCISessionEnd | N/A |
Oracle OCI | Altibase CLI | Comments |
OCIHandleAlloc | SQLAllocHandle |
OCIHandleFree | SQLFreeHandle |
OCIAttrGet | SQLColAttribute |
OCIParamGet | N/A |
OCIParamSet | N/A |
OCIAttrSet | SQLSetEnvAttr |
OCIDescriptorAlloc | SQLSetStmtAttr |
OCIDescriptorFree | SQLFreeHandle |
Transaction management
Oracle OCI | Altibase CLI | Comments |
OCITransCommit | SQLEndTran |
OCITransDetach | N/A |
OCITransRollback | SQLEndTran |
OCITransStart | N/A |
OCITransPrepare | N/A |
OCITransForget | N/A |
Oracle OCI | Altibase CLI | Comments |
OCIBindDynamic | SQLParamData, SQLPutData, SQLGetData |
OCIBindByName | SQLBindParameter |
OCIBindByPos | SQLBindParameter |
OCIBindObject | N/A |
OCIBindArrayOfStruct | SQLBindParameter |
OCIStmtGetBindInfo | N/A |
OCIDefineArrayOfStruct | N/A |
OCIDefineDynamic | N/A |
OCIDefineByPos | SQLBindCol |
OCIDefineObject | N/A |
OCIDescribeAny | MANY | the appropriate call from |
Oracle OCI | Altibase CLI | Comments |
OCIStmtPrepare | SQLPrepare |
OCIStmtExecute | SQLExecute |
OCIStmtFetch2 | SQLFetch |
Oracle OCI | ALTIBASE CLI | Comments |
OCIBreak | SQLCancel |
OCIServerVersion | SQLGetInfo |
OCIPasswordChange | N/A |
OCIErrorGet | SQLGetDiagRec |
OCIStmtGetPieceInfo | SQLGetData |
OCIStmtSetPieceInfo | SQLParamData, SQLPutData, SQLGetData |
OCILdaToSvcCtx | N/A |
OCISvcCtxToLda | N/A |