aexport is a utility that creates scripts that can download object creation scripts and data from the database as text files.
The database objects that aexport can extract are as follows:
- Database user
- User privilege
- Tablespace
- Table
- Table constraint
- Index
- View
- Materialized view (Provided starting from ALTIBASE HDB 6.3.1)
- Stored procedure
- Replication object
It is recommended that aexport be performed whenever there is a database object change.
iloader is a utility that allows you to download or upload database data in table units. The data is saved in a text file that can be viewed by the user.
This can be used for database migration or table-by-table backup purposes.
To back up table data using iloader, a form file and various options are required. If aexport is executed, the iloader execution command is created as a script.