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This error occurs when reusing an opened cursor when handling a statement in an application.



ALTIBASE HDB version 4 or later

"HDB 4.3.9 Error Message" manual or altierr utility "Invalid cursor state." cannot confirm the explanation, but HDB 4.3.9 can also cause this error.



  • Invalid cursor state occurs when executing CURSOR DECLARE or CURSOR OPEN during CURSOR FETCH in APRE (or SESC).

  • Invalid cursor state occurs when executing CURSOR DECLARE or CURSOR OPEN after CURSOR FETCH in APRE (or SESC).

  • Invalid cursor state occurs when executing one of SQLExecute(), SQLPrepare(), and SQLExecDirect() while executing SQLFetch() in SQLCLI or ODBC.

  • Invalid cursor state occurs when executing one of SQLExecute(), SQLPrepare(), and SQLExecDirect() after executing SQLFetch() in SQLCLI or ODBC.


Cause and Solution

1. When the cursor with the same name is reused without closing the cursor after completing the FETCH

  • This is for HDB 5 or later version. In HDB 4 version, there is no error in this case.

  • In some cases, an error may occur because the cursor with the same name is reused without executing cursor CLOSE.

  • Example code.

  • If this is the case, add a CLOSE statement to the cursor.

2. When Exception handling is omitted when cursor CLOSE fails after FETCH is completed

  • Cursor CLOSE fails, but the exception is not handled, and the cursor is reused with the same name without knowing that the cursor CLOSE failed.

  • This is for HDB 5 or later version. In HDB 4 version, there is no error in this case.

  • Example code

  • If this is the case, add exception handling to the cursor CLOSE statement and figure out what caused the cursor CLOSE to fail.

3. When the cursor is reused while the result of the data to be fetched remains

  • If there is data to be fetched in the DB server, the result is deleted when the cursor is closed.

  • In other words, the cursor with the same name cannot be reused until the data to be fetched is deleted. In order to reuse, the cursor must be FETCHed after OPENed.

    Example 1
  • If this is the case, try to reuse the cursor after adding the cursor CLOSE statement.



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