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Use an automated tool called Migration Center for data conversion.

Before the conversion work, it is necessary to create a user and create a tablespace according to the environment used in the previous DBMS for mapping work.

When specific DB-dependent functions are applied, the manual conversion is performed.

DATA conversion and application operation procedure

Checking DATA consistency

APPLICATION Verification

Deduction of verification

-Deduction of verification plans with the prior consultation with customers

Example) Online screen capture or comparison of reports, comparison of batch reports, etc.

DATA Verification

Migration Center Report
-Comparison of the total number of table data between original DBMS and ALTIBASE with the migration result report

Deduction of verification

-Deduction of verification plans with the prior consultation with customers

Example) Checking the total number of data, comparing the sum of data in a specific column, comparing the result of executing a specific query, etc.

Resolving data conversion failure

Conversion Tools

Migration Center

1) Advantages of Migration Center

 East to use with GUI-based tool
 Easy execution and high performance of transferring by supporting CLI mode
 Transfer data along with schema in one operation
 Perform migration by mapping different data types
 Support user-defined formats to support flexible data migration
 Provide step-by-step step summary report on conversion results

2) How to use

(1) Add Database Connection

Input the information of Source/Targe DBMS
 Connection Name : Can be arbitrarily specified
 IP : DBMS Server IP
 Port : DBMS Server Port
 User : Connected user account
 Password : Connected user password
 SID : Service name
 IP Version : IPv4/IPv6

Since the JDBC driver is used to connect to the database, it is important to prepare a suitable JDBC driver for the source database and target database. For user convenience, several JDBC drivers suitable for supported databases are provided with the Migration Center.

(2) Create Project

Create a project for data migraiton
 Project Name : Can be arbitrarily specified
 Project Path : Automatically created
 Source Database : Oracle
 Destination Database : Altibase

(3) Build Project

Select the method (Fast/Slow) to get the number of records in the table from the source database and proceed.

(4) Reconcile Project

This is the most important step in the migration process that defines how to perform the migration.

 User Mode: Defines all tables and all data accessible to the user account defined when creating the source database as migration targets
 Table Mode: Select and define the table to migrate data from among all tables accessible to the user account defined when creating the source database

 Data Type Mapping: Data type mapping between Oracle and Altibase
 PSM Data Type Mapping: Data type mapping between Oracle PL/SQL and Altibase PSM
 Tablespace to Tablespace Mapping: Oracle and Altibase tablespace mapping
 Table to Tablespace Mapping: Specify the tablespace to store Altibase tables
 Select Editing: Add/edit Oracle data search condition
 DDL Editing: Edit the final DDL of Altibase

(5) Run Project

Run the data migration.

(6) PL/SQL Convert Tool
Use Oracle PL/SQL saved a file using the Migration Center to change the syntax for the data type.
Change to business logic are not automatically converted and must be converted manually by the developer who implemented the business logic.



Down on

For more information:
Contact us: 02-2082-1114

1st StageSystem AnalysisRequirements analysisSystem analysis report
  • DBA
  • APP Developer

Environment analysis

  • OS, HW, SW, etc.
  • DBA
  • APP Developer

DBMS analysis

  • Data Size (cases, Bytes)
  • Number of objects (Table, Index, etc.)
  • Tablespace size
  • Function, Procedure
  • DBA
  • APP Developer

Business analysis

  • Ratio of online/batch operations
  • Query complexity of batch work


  • DBA
  • APP Developer
2nd StageImpact AnalysisRisk impact analysisImpact analysis report
  • DBA
  • APP Developer
Analysis of correlation between application and database for table usage and related matrix 
  • DBA
  • APP Developer
3rd StageSchedule PlanningSchedule planningSchedule
  • PM
Establish supporting staffs plan
4th StageConversion

Conversion using Migration Center

- Including Scheme and Data

  • DBA
Manual conversion for non-standard schema and SP 
  • Developer
Data verification 
  • DBA
  • APP Developer
5th StageOptimizationConfiguration optimization with parameter tuningOptimization result report
  • DBA
Performance optimization with SQL and procedure tuning
  • DBA
  • APP Developer

  • No labels